Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oh for the love of Headbands

Do you often move about in your day-to-day lives with your hair in your face? Are you considering shaving your head because of your annoyance with the hair attached to your scalp? Well DON'T!! I have a solution for you!

Here's a way to solve your woes in a way that is both functional and stylish:

Step 1: Buy a simple skinny headband.

Step 2: Cut 8 or 9 small circles of fabric. My circles were about 1-1 1/2 inches in diameter.

Step 3: Take a circle and fold it in half.

Step 4: Fold in half again.

Step 5: Take out your hot glue gun and glue a little less than half way up your headband.

Step 6: Repeat steps 3 and 4 and glue a couple centimeters down from the first.

Step 7: Keep going through all of your pre-cut circles.

Step 8: Wear with pride!

Happy Headbanding!!

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