Monday, October 10, 2011

Stickin' Sticks

Do you have a lot of sticks in your yard and no campfire pit to put them in? Are you at a loss of what to do with them? Well, I have a craft for you! And all you need is a tin can, sticks, and (of course) a hot glue gun.

Step 1: Gather your items. I used an empty can of corn and peeled off the label.

Step 2: Break your sticks to size and begin glueing them to the can.

Step 3: Keep glueing your sticks till they cover the entire surface of your can.

Step 4: If you choose you can stop there, or you can do like me and give it a little touch of femininity. I used fabric and hemp.

Step 5: Put a candle (be careful as the sticks can be a fire hazard) or some flowers in it.

Happy Crafting!!

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