Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Reading by Candlelight

If you've ever listened to your grandparents or great-grandparents tell stories, you may often here tales of life before electricity. They tell you that you could not imagine what it may be like to read a book by nothing but candlelight. Well, you no longer have to imagine that! You can now create a candle votive using cut-up pages of your favorite book (I used "The Turkey Ate My Father"). Therefore giving you the opportunity to read your votive at candlelight.

Step 1: Buy some kind of votive. I got a couple glass ones at Hobby Lobby for 50% off.

Step 2: Take pages from your book or newspaper and cut them into small pieces.

Step 3: Drop some Modge Podge on it.

Step 4: Take a paintbrush and spread the Modge Podge around. Put one or two pieces of paper on it and paint some Modge Podge on top of it.

Step 5: Keep adding pages in a random pattern.

Step 6: When finished you may want to put a final coat of Modge Podge over the entire thing.

Step 7: Put a candle in it, light it, and read!!

Happy Reading!!

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